
The various themed rooms of De Middenverdieping of the Valkenburg Museum have been created in close collaboration with specialist specialists. For De Geologie, the Dutch Geological Association, department Limburg, supplied not only knowledge but also to a large extent the presented objects. In particular, Wiel Schins and Jan Nillisen deserve to be named here. For the design of De Vuursteen, the input of the In Onsen Lande van Valckenborgh foundation was indispensable with special thanks to Hub Pisters and Victor Spauwen. Archeology Working Group Valkenburg-Houthem was responsible for the archaeological input to De Mergelstad and De Geul, in particular Yvette Blezer and Doeke Krikke. Mijke van den Berg has enriched De Wieg and De Toerist with countless objects and provided a large part of the initiating and coordinating work of the entire project. The Middle Floor bears the stamp of designer Paul Tieman. Both the exhibition concept and the concrete design with its characteristic principles, use of materials and color schemes are by him. Every piece of wood that can be seen at De Middenverdieping has been handled by Michel van Henten on several occasions. The following artists have enriched various rooms with a work of art specially made for this purpose; Sanne Puijk in De Wieg; Esther de Bont in De Toerist; Natascha Waeyen in De Mergelstad and Marte Hameleers in De Geologie.

The design of De Middenverdieping has been made possible by a contribution from a large number of funds and sponsors, including:

Stichting Fien Huth
Elisabeth Strouven Fonds
Gemeente Valkenburg
Stichting Fonds Sociale Instellingen
PBC Limburg
Provincie Limburg
Stichting Kanunnik Salden
Stichting Jacques Vonk