The whole geology, from Cambrium to Holocene, can be studied in South Limburg. In our museum an extensive collection is housed, which shows a cross-section of what can be found in South Limburg.

The collection includes fossils and rocks from the various limestone (marl) grooves, such as ENCI, Curfs and Nekami. But we also show finds from gravel, sand and clay quarries and stone dumps from the coal mines. For example, there are carboniferous prints, corals, shells, belemnites, shark teeth, sea urchins, (mammoth) bone and a giant tree trunk. In addition, there are various rocks to admire, such as maasoleum, quartzite, conglomerates, sandstone and various flints.

The Felderkabinet is a presentation about the Felder brothers, two amateur geologists who gained world fame with the excavation of the prehistoric flint mines from Rijckholt. Because of their great enthusiasm and ambition they have written many publications for scientific journals. They write about everything that had to do with Limburg geology.

Who are we?

The Nederlandse Geologie Vereniging afdeling Limburg, abbreviated nGVaL, is a flourishing association with more than 400 members (anno 2018).

Many people, young and old, come into contact with the history of geology – the most interesting part of our country – through the membership of this association.
Many members have a complete museum at home, professionally exhibited and documented: treasuries of heritage of the Dutch landscape.
We are proud of the finders of the large sea monsters (mosasaurs) that appealed to the imagination about 70 million years ago, when South Limburg was still a sea area. But searching for and finding fossils in their own province comes to an end. Grooves in South Limburg close and the association must seek refuge in, for example, neighboring countries.
After about 80 years it means a new direction for this glorious association, with such an impressive history. However, the mission is to investigate and propagate the knowledge of geological history. Since 1971, an extensive collection can be seen in the Valkenburg Museum.