Open house!
22 April 2019 @ 10:00 - 18:00
Invitation to all residents (large and small) of the municipality of Valkenburg aan de Geul.
Museum Valkenburg has undergone major changes recently.
A new name, a new logo and especially a completely new floor.
We are so proud of this that we invite all residents of our municipality to come and have a look at our museum on Easter Monday, April 22 a.s. Obviously, admission is free for you that day.
With our middle floor we want to tell the story of Valkenburg and the surrounding area. From the oldest antiquity to the modern age.
You will find everything about geology, archeology and flints, but also about Valkenburg as a marl town and fortified city. Themes such as Catholicism, the Geul, tourism and the Via Belgica pass by.
Parents and grandparents can use their examples to talk about their place in the history of Valkenburg and the development of tourism.
This 2nd Easter Day is also the last opportunity to view the later work of the painter Lei Molin, former resident of our municipality.
On the top floor you will also find a particularly beautiful exhibition of works by Pauline Luiten and Jef van de Leijgraaf.
We look forward to your visit!
The board of Museum Valkenburg
Open for you on Monday, April 22 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Deel dit bericht, kies je platform!
Entree voor het gehele museum:
- € 10,00 p.p. (incl. gratis kopje koffie)
- Studenten: € 5,00 p.p.
- Museumkaart, begunstigerskaart, ICOMkaart en vriendenpas geldig
- Kinderen tot 12 jaar onder begeleiding: gratis
- Voor speciale tentoonstellingen kan een toeslag worden gerekend.