We Do Remember: Lecture about 75 years of American cemetery in Margraten
26 September 2019 @ 19:30 - 22:00
| FreePLEASE NOTE: Interested parties must order a free ticket in advance (up to a maximum of 75 people), see below this text.
75 year American Cemetery Margraten – The story of Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial.
The story of the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial. On November 10, 1944, Corporal John D Singer was the first fallen American soldier buried in Margraten.
At that time, no one could understand how many American soldiers would find their final resting place in the hill country. Now 75 years later, the 26.5-hectare cemetery in Margraten is an impressive place for remembrance and reflection where over 8,000 soldiers were given their final resting place. Senior Associate Frenk Lahaye has been working for the American Battle Monuments Commission for more than 25 years and in this lecture he elaborates on the creation, development and future of the only American Military Cemetery in the Netherlands.
PLEASE NOTE: Interested parties must order a free ticket below (up to a maximum of 75 people):
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Entree voor het gehele museum:
- € 8,00 p.p. (incl. gratis kopje koffie)
- Studenten: € 4,00 p.p.
- Museumkaart, begunstigerskaart, ICOMkaart en vriendenpas geldig
- Kinderen tot 12 jaar onder begeleiding: gratis